SAC member donates rice, oil to monasteries, Christian leaders in Bhamo

State Administration Council Member Daw Dwe Bu, accompanied by Kachin State Chief Minister U Khet Htein Nan and relevant officials, donated rice, oil and cash to monasteries and Christian leaders in Bhamo Township yesterday.
First, the SAC member and party paid homage to Township Sangha Nayaka committee Chairman Thiri Mingala KanU Monastery Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kesava in Mingon ward and donated 15 bags of rice, five oil barrels and cash to the monks.
During the meeting with Christian leaders at the meeting hall of Mya Thida guesthouse, the SAC member highlighted the need for people’s participation in ensuring peace, stability and the rule of law, and the government’s efforts in fulfilling the requirements in religious affairs.
Then, the SAC member and party provided 30 bags of rice, 10 oil barrels and cash to 10 religious organizations.
On 12 September, the SAC member met members of the Kachin ethnic literature and culture association who are also members of organizing committees for the opening of the Manaw ground, gateway, Manaw pole and new Manaw square.
At the meeting, the Bhamo-Kachin Ethnic Literature and Culture Association chairman reported on the requirements and the SAC member provided proper instructions. — MNA/KTZH

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