Take care of food safety in daily life


The safety of food is playing a crucial role in the daily consumption of people. Clean and fresh meals supplied for people on a daily basis are a wider consumption measure. Currently, people unavoidably select cheaper consumer products which are low quality rather than clean and fresh foods due to sky-rocketing prices of foodstuffs. As a result, these low-quality foodstuffs are hazards to the health of consumers.
Some manufacturers focus on gaining profits the priority of turning a blind eye to the production of full nutrition, healthiness and safe products for the consumer people. The government has enacted the National Food Law in Myanmar. In line with the law, the Food and Drug Supervisory Committee supervises the production and distribution of healthy drugs and foodstuffs for public consumption. At an opportune time, the department releases announcements on the list of inappropriate foodstuffs for people to avoid them.
During the period, foodstuffs were tested at the laboratory from January to July 2022. It showed the results on inappropriate foods for children and youths. In fact, these low-quality foodstuffs are the favourite of children and youths in the domestic market. These unsafe foodstuffs consist of excessive volumes of chemicals, use of prohibited dyes, and not compliance with the bio-microorganism. Moreover, consumers need to take care of eating foodstuffs filled with bacteria due to the impacts of monsoon and expiry products. As such, authorities issue prohibitions for these food items.
Hence, people need to have health awareness that there are many kinds of foodstuffs harming health in the domestic market. Food producers need to uphold genuine goodwill, noble spirit and empathy for consumers in operating their business of manufacturing foodstuffs. If so, consumers will have a chance to understand the safety of food in selecting the foodstuffs in the market. The World Food Organization stated that about two-thirds of the children under five in Myanmar are facing a shortage of safe foods and unpurified water. The chemicals and prohibited dyes found in foodstuffs are very dangerous for children.

Foods and fruits containing fertilizers, chemical residues, animal oil and saturated oil may cause diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery and indigestion and cancer diseases in the inner body organs of humans, bad cholesterol and heart diseases. As medicines and charges of medical treatment are high at present, people need to take special care of foodstuffs and daily living styles for avoiding Covid-19 and other diseases.

Foods and fruits containing fertilizers, chemical residues, animal oil and saturated oil may cause diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery and indigestion and cancer diseases in the inner body organs of humans, bad cholesterol and heart diseases. As medicines and charges of medical treatment are high at present, people need to take special care of foodstuffs and daily living styles for avoiding Covid-19 and other diseases.

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