The prices of chickpea soared nearly double on the back of strong domestic consumption, Mandalay traders stated.
The prevailing prices of chickpea touched a high of K132,000 per three-basket bag whereas it fetched around K80,000 per bag, according to the Soe Win Myint depot.
The majority of Myanmar people prefer chickpea for its nutrients and rich taste. Chickpea curry is one of the dishes in the food donation as well. The high demand for chickpea in the domestic market prompts all the mills in Mandalay to run, creating job opportunities for the residents.
Additionally, those merchants are filling the inventory although they need to put large capital in it. The buyers from India are also purchasing them. The yield is pretty high this year due to good weather and the peas are free from pests, he elaborated.
Myanmar exported chickpeas to India, Pakistan, the UAE, Turkey and other foreign markets last year. The chickpeas are cultivated in Yangon, Mandalay, Bago, Sagaing and Ayeyawady regions and Nay Pyi Taw. There are 890,000 acres of chickpeas across the country.
The peas are cultivated in October and November and they can be harvested in the January-April period. — KK/GNLM
Chickpea prices rise to double this year
- March 16, 2022
- 705