NyaungU farmers earn good income by growing corn all year round

A sskm

The local farmers from the villages around the Latpanchaypaw village-tract in NyaungU township, Mandalay region are growing the corn crop the whole year and earning a good income, said U Min Nyo, a corn grower from Thitdauntkyung village.
Those corn cultivated villages are located beside of NyaungU-Pakokku-Myingyan road and those corns growers are engaged in agriculture activities.
Those villages are cultivating corn the whole year, it is learnt.
The corn is cultivated up to four times a year. The local farmers mainly grow sweet corn and sticky corn. The growers also grow other corn species, locally called Kyattamaw corn sometimes. Some of the growers are growing the corn using Latpanchaypaw river water while most of the farmers are growing them using underground water, it is learnt.
The traders from Yangon, Mandalay, Pakokku, NyaungU and Myingyan townships reached the corn farmland and bought to sell them back. The traders buy about 20,000 or 30,000 corns each time, said U Win Tin, a corn trader.
The corn is harvested after 90 days of cultivation in the monsoon and 75 days in the summer season.
Corns are grown up to four times a year.  The corn is being sold for K130 per corn.
The corn growers are making good income by selling them at wholesale and retail prices, according to the corn growers.—Ko Htein(KPD/GNLM

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