Two bowsers carrying LPG from Myawady, Kayin State, were reportedly fired upon by PDF terrorists yesterday afternoon.
One 12-wheel bowser from Aw Ra Company and one 12-wheel bowser from Chit Lin Myaing Company were attacked by PDF terrorists about 2,500 metres west of Outer Kwingale village near Myawady-Kawkareik Asian Highway at around 1:00 pm. Due to the shooting and arson attack, the drivers died of gunshot wounds and burns. One of the bowsers was destroyed by fire and the other was hit by small arms fire.
Security forces rushed to the scene to provide the necessary security services and put out the fire together with the fire brigade, the perpetrators of the acts of terrorism will be identified and arrested as soon as possible and security measures are being taken in the area.—MNA
PDF terrorists attack LPG bowsers in Myawady
- January 17, 2022
- 720