On summer days, a large number of people residing in dry areas of Myanmar generally face a shortage of drinking water. Those people are defying the hotness of summer and shortage of water on a yearly basis while working their livelihoods.
Indeed, many parts of the world face shortages of water in summer as well as the dry season. It is because these areas have not been engaging in an adequate volume of water sources for hundreds of years. Some governments carried out dredging of canals for benefiting the people but they could not supply sufficient safe water to the people.
Water is of great importance for the daily life of the global people as well as Myanmar people. Among them, the availability of safe water is crucial for living beings including people from various countries.
Up to now, a total of 790 million of the global people, accounting for 11 per cent do not have safe water. Generally, supply of water, most drinking water still contains the colour, smell, cleanliness, pests, the residue of dangerous chemicals and radio activeness standardized by the World Health Organization.
Uncleanliness may cause unexpected diseases among the consumers. Such kind of water may contain bacteria which can be seen easily. Clean and safe water can minimize the content of bacteria, create better taste and mitigate the possibility of breaking out the waterborne diseases.
According to the report of the WHO, 1.8 million children are dying of dysentery and diarrhoea triggered by unsafe water. Likewise, some 600 million global people are suffering from waterborne diseases on a yearly basis.
In Myanmar, the statistics issued in 2007 stated about 82 per cent of the people consumed safe water while 18 remaining per cent of the people used unsafe water. As some licensed purified drinking water industries break the rules and regulations of producing purified drinking water due to the weakness of officials in checking the production process. As such, consumers face unsafe and dangerous water unavoidably.
Consumption of safe water for everybody is essential for building a healthy life for the people. Hence, authorities need to raise health awareness for the people to know the advantages and disadvantages of safe and unsafe waters, inspect purified drinking water factories and shops of agents and take action against discipline offenders for the sake of the consumers.
Consumption of safe water for everybody is essential for building a healthy life for the people. Hence, authorities need to raise health awareness for the people to know the advantages and disadvantages of safe and unsafe waters, inspect purified drinking water factories and shops of agents and take action against discipline offenders for the sake of the consumers.