Media defames security forces for destroying over 140 houses in Salin Township

photo 3 sskm
Screenshot validates false news.

Malicious media outlets are intentionally spreading false news on social networks, claiming that security forces burned and destroyed over 140 houses in Koncha village, Salin Township, Magway Region, on the morning of 24 May.
According to a security official from the area, the reality is that PDF terrorists abducted traveller near the junction of Pathein-Monywa Road and Koncha Road, tortured them and extorted money. Consequently, based on a report from a conscientious citizen advocating peace, security forces were dispatched to secure the area. However, PDF terrorists fled, leaving behind robbed foods and related materials, which were subsequently confiscated. Additionally, reports indicate that there were no fires in the villages along the roads on that day.
Subversive media outlets are intentionally circulating misinformation to create misunderstanding and tarnish the reputation of the security forces, who are dedicated to forging peace and stability in the country. — MNA/TRKM

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